
Make a Toilet Roll Dog Toy: Simple Steps for Crafty Owners!

Make a Toilet Roll Dog Toy: Simple Steps for Crafty Owners!

Make a Toilet Roll Dog Toy: Simple Steps for Crafty Owners!

Hey guys, so, I’ve been trying to keep my furry friend entertained without breaking the bank, you know? And I stumbled upon this super simple and fun idea – making a dog toy out of toilet paper rolls! I know, it sounds kinda weird, but trust me, it’s a game-changer. My dog absolutely loves it, and it’s been keeping him busy for hours. Plus, it’s a great way to recycle those empty rolls that just pile up.

Make a Toilet Roll Dog Toy: Simple Steps for Crafty Owners!

So, here’s how I did it. First, I gathered a bunch of toilet paper rolls. You know, the cardboard ones. I had a few lying around, so I didn’t need to buy any. If you don’t have any, just start saving them up!

Then, I grabbed a handful of my dog’s favorite treats. I used the small, bite-sized ones because they fit better inside the rolls. You can use whatever treats your dog likes. I think even kibble would work great too.

Next, I started stuffing the treats into the toilet paper rolls. I just pushed them in there, making sure they were spread out evenly. It was super easy, took just a couple of minutes per roll.

Once the rolls were filled, I folded down the ends. This part was a little tricky because you want to make sure the treats don’t fall out easily. But I also wanted to make it a bit challenging for my dog to get them out. You can adjust this depending on your dog’s personality and how much of a challenge you want to give them. I had to find that balance between making it interesting, and not too hard that he’d get frustrated and give up!

And that’s basically it! I gave the stuffed rolls to my dog, and he went crazy for them! He spent ages trying to get the treats out, rolling the rolls around, chewing on the ends, and just having a blast.

    Some improvements I made:

  • At first, I just folded the ends, and my dog figured it out pretty quickly. So, I started cutting a couple of small holes in the rolls. This made it a bit more challenging because the treats would only fall out when the roll was in a certain position.
  • For an even bigger challenge, I didn’t cut any holes at all. My dog had to really work for it, shredding the cardboard to get to the treats inside. It’s a bit messier this way, but he loves it, and it keeps him entertained for even longer.
  • I also tried using different materials. I had an old t-shirt that I was going to throw away, so I cut it into strips and braided them together to make a tug toy. My dog loves playing tug-of-war, so this was a huge hit!
  • I also made a noisy toy by stuffing an old sock with some crinkly paper. My dog loves anything that makes noise, so he went nuts for this one too.
  • Before I started, I also learned a quick tip to sanitize the toilet paper rolls by baking them at 200F for ten minutes in an oven.

Honestly, this is such a simple and cheap way to keep your dog entertained. And it’s also a great way to recycle and reuse things you already have around the house. If you’re looking for a new toy for your furry friend, I highly recommend giving this a try! You might be surprised at how much they love it. And it’s always fun to watch them figure it out. Give it a shot and let me know how it goes!

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