Honest Selarid for Dogs Reviews: Find Out if Its Worth It!
Okay, here is my sharing about Selarid for dogs, I hope it helps:

So, my dog, Buddy, he’s a good boy, but he’s always been kinda sensitive to those nasty little bugs, you know, fleas and ticks. I used to give him those chewable tablets, but he always turns his nose up at them. It became a real struggle to get him to take his meds, and honestly, it was stressing both of us out.
My vet, she’s a real lifesaver, suggested I try out this thing called Selarid. Said it was a topical solution, meaning you just put it on his skin. Sounded easy enough, so I decided to give it a shot.
Getting My Hands on Selarid
First thing I did was find where to buy this Selarid stuff. You can’t just grab it off the shelf at any store, turns out it’s a prescription thing. So, I went to my vet, and they had it. I had to make sure I got the right one for Buddy’s size, you know, ’cause they got different boxes for different-sized dogs. Buddy’s a medium-sized fella, so I got the one for dogs between 10.1-20 lbs, it comes in a brown box. They also had ones in a red box, which are for dogs between 20.1-40 lbs.
Putting it on Buddy
Next, I had to actually put it on him. I read the instructions like a hawk. It said to put it on the back of his neck, where he can’t lick it off. The solution comes in this little tube, and you just squeeze it all out onto his skin.
- Made sure Buddy was calm: I waited until he was all chilled out, not running around like a crazy pup.
- Found the right spot: I parted his fur on the back of his neck, right between his shoulder blades, so I could see his skin.
- Applied the solution: I squeezed the whole tube onto that one spot. It was a bit oily, but it didn’t seem to bother him.
Waiting and Watching
After that, it was just a waiting game. I kept an eye on him to make sure he didn’t have any weird reactions. The vet said it could take a little while to start working, especially for killing those pesky fleas. I also tried to keep the area dry and made sure he didn’t roll around too much.
Did it Work?
And you know what? It actually worked! It took some time, but I definitely noticed fewer fleas on him. He wasn’t scratching as much, and he seemed a lot more comfortable. Plus, no more fighting him to take those pills! We did have to keep an eye on him for a day or so. Apparently, these things aren’t 100% effective, but it definitely did the trick for us.
My Thoughts
All in all, I’m pretty happy with this Selarid stuff. It’s way easier than those tablets, and it seems to be doing the job. If your dog’s a picky eater like Buddy, or if you just want something that’s simple to use, I’d say it’s worth talking to your vet about it. It’s made a big difference for us, and I’m hoping it might help some of you other dog owners out there too.
Oh, and I also heard from the vet that there is a potentially safer flea prevention called Comfortis. But each dog is different, so you’d better ask your vet about this. And keep in mind to check your dogs daily to avoid the tiny bugs!
That’s it for my experience. Hope this is helpful for you!
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