Dog arching back: why is my dog arching his back and should I worry?
Okay, so, you know how pets are, right? They can’t just tell us what’s wrong. You gotta play detective. So, the other day, I noticed my dog, Buster, he’s a golden retriever, by the way, was acting kinda weird.

He was walking around all hunched over, like he was trying to sneak around or something, but not in his usual playful way. It was more like he was uncomfortable. I went to him and tried to figure out what happened. And this was the first time I noticed this situation. I was a little worried.
At first, I thought maybe he ate something bad. You know how dogs are, they’ll eat anything. I mean this guy once ate a whole sock. So, I checked his poop. I know, gross, but you gotta do what you gotta do. It looked normal though, so it wasn’t a bad diet, I guess. I mean, that is a common reason, isn’t it?
Then, I remembered reading somewhere that sometimes they arch their backs when they’re just stretching. Especially after waking up, just like we do. He had been napping a lot, getting old, you know? He’s not a puppy anymore. But then I thought maybe it could be something serious. I remembered he would avoid jumping and stairs, which could be a signal of disc issue. But he loves jumping a lot.
So, I watched him for a while. I noticed he wasn’t just arching his back, he was also kind of panting a bit more than usual and seemed a little shaky. And he was walking a little off-balance, like he was drunk or something, but not stumbling, just…off. That’s when I thought, okay, this is probably not just stretching. It could be some kind of pain or some spinal pain.
- First, I observed that he ate something that doesn’t agree with its system.
- Then, I noticed him arching his back and shaking.
- Finally, he walked off-balance.
So, I took him to the vet. Turns out, he had a bit of a stomach issue. Nothing too serious, thank goodness. The vet said it could be anything from a simple upset stomach to something more complicated like pancreatitis or even parasites. I felt so bad for the poor guy. I mean, imagine having a tummy ache and not being able to tell anyone.
Anyway, the vet gave him some meds, and he’s doing much better now. But, man, it was a good reminder to always pay attention to our furry friends. They rely on us to figure out what’s wrong. And sometimes, it’s the little things, like a hunched back, that can tell us a lot.
So, yeah, that’s my story about Buster and his arched back. It was a bit of a scare, but we got through it. And now, I’m like a hawk, always watching him, making sure he’s okay. You can never be too careful, right?
I am so glad that he has recovered now! It is really important to notice the details when your pets act abnormal.
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