Beeping collar for dogs: is it safe for my dog or will hurt them?
Okay, so, I’ve been messing around with this beeping collar for my dog, and let me tell you, it’s been a bit of a journey. My dog, he’s a good boy, but his barking, oh boy, it can get out of control sometimes. So, I thought, why not try one of these beeping collars?

I did some digging online, saw a bunch of different types, some with a little shock, some with vibration, but I wasn’t really comfortable with the shock ones. I mean, I get the idea, a little physical thing to get their attention, but it just didn’t sit right with me. I saw some stuff online that said how shock collars can make dogs scared or even aggressive, and I definitely didn’t want that. Plus, there were warnings about other collars causing problems too, like hurting their throats or skin. Yikes.
So, I went with the beeping kind. The idea is simple: it makes a sound when they bark, a little warning beep, and hopefully, they learn to chill out with the barking. I put the collar on him, and at first, he didn’t even notice. Then, he let out a bark, and the collar beeped. He stopped and looked around, like, “What was that?” It was kind of funny, actually.
The First Try
Getting him used to the beeping took a few days. He’d bark, it would beep, and he’d look confused. But, slowly, he started to connect the dots. I made sure to give him lots of praise and treats when he was quiet, so he knew that being quiet was a good thing.
Setting it Up
- I found that you could adjust the sensitivity of the collar, so it wouldn’t go off for every little noise.
- There’s different setting about how far away from the fence or something, my dog would set it off. I started with it going off from further away, then I could adjust it later.
- You can also change the volume of the beep, which is handy.
One thing I read online is that these vibration collars aren’t good for teaching deaf dogs not to bark, it can just confuse them. It’s more about getting their attention. Luckily, my dog can hear just fine, so that wasn’t an issue.
It’s not a perfect solution, and it definitely takes some time and patience. It is important to use it correctly. It’s not about punishing them, but more about giving them a clear signal. And, of course, lots of positive reinforcement when they’re being good. It’s been a learning experience for both of us, but so far, so good. He’s still a barker, but it’s definitely less than before, and that’s a win in my book.
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