
Why mi perro estornuda mucho? Simple Explanations and Home Remedies

Why mi perro estornuda mucho? Simple Explanations and Home Remedies

Why mi perro estornuda mucho? Simple Explanations and Home Remedies

Okay, so the other day, I noticed my dog was sneezing like crazy. It wasn't just one or two sneezes, but a whole bunch in a row. I started to get a little worried, because, you know, you never want your furry friend to be uncomfortable.

Why mi perro estornuda mucho? Simple Explanations and Home Remedies

What I Did

  • First things first, I observed him closely. Was he pawing at his nose? Was there any discharge? Was he still eating and drinking normally? Luckily, besides the sneezing, he seemed pretty normal.
  • Then, I did a quick check of our surroundings. Had we been anywhere new recently? Was there anything around that could be irritating his nose, like dust or pollen? We'd been at the park earlier, and it was super windy.
  • I also think about what I can do.I give some water to him to drink,because maybe he just need some water.

I decided to give it a little time. I figured it might just be a temporary thing, maybe some dust he'd inhaled. I kept a close eye on him, making sure he wasn't getting worse.

After a few hours, the sneezing slowed down a lot. He still had a few here and there, but it wasn't that constant barrage anymore.I am happy for it!

By the next morning, he was pretty much back to normal! I'm guessing it was just something in the air that day. Still, it's a good reminder to pay attention to our pets and notice when something's not quite * safe than sorry!