
Why Is My Senior Dog Not Eating? Common Causes and Easy Fixes

Why Is My Senior Dog Not Eating? Common Causes and Easy Fixes

Why Is My Senior Dog Not Eating? Common Causes and Easy Fixes

Okay, folks, let's dive into a problem I recently faced with my old buddy, Max, my 13-year-old Labrador.

Why Is My Senior Dog Not Eating? Common Causes and Easy Fixes

My Senior Dog Suddenly Stopped Eating

It all started a couple of weeks ago. Max, who usually wolfs down his food like there's no tomorrow, suddenly started picking at it. At first, I figured he was just having an off day. We all have those, right?

But then it continued. Day after day, he'd just sniff his bowl and walk away. This was a big red flag for me. Max loves his food, almost as much as he loves belly rubs. I knew something was up, for sure.

My First Steps: Rule Out the Obvious

My first thought? Check his food. I opened a new bag, just in case the old one had gone stale, even though it was sealed tight. No luck. He still wouldn't touch it.

Next, I inspected his bowl. Maybe there was something stuck to it that he didn't like? I gave it a good scrub, even though it looked clean. Still nothing.

The Vet Visit

After a couple of days of him barely eating, I decided it was time for a vet visit. Worry was starting to creep in. I booked an appointment with Dr. Miller, our usual vet, and took Max in.

Dr. Miller did a thorough check-up. She examined Max's teeth, felt his belly, and listened to his heart and lungs. She also asked me a bunch of questions about his recent behavior, any changes in his routine, and so on.

Figuring Out the "Why"

  • Dr. Miller suggested it could be a number of things. Senior dogs, just like senior humans, can have changes in their appetite.
  • She mentioned dental problems as a common culprit. Even if his teeth looked okay to me, there could be pain I couldn't see.
  • It also maybe something to do with his digestion.

The Solution (For Now)

Dr. Miller recommended a few things to try. First, she suggested switching to a senior-specific dog food, which is often softer and easier to digest. She also gave me some appetite stimulant medication, just in case.

Back home, I prepared Max a bowl of the new senior food. He actually ate a little bit! It wasn't his usual enthusiastic gobble, but it was definitely an improvement.

Why Is My Senior Dog Not Eating? Common Causes and Easy Fixes

The Ongoing Journey

We're still working on it. Some days are better than others. I'm trying different things, like adding a little warm water to his food to make it more appealing, or hand-feeding him a few bites to get him started.

It's a bit of a rollercoaster, but I'm determined to get my old buddy back to his happy, food-loving self. It just takes patience, observation, and a whole lot of love. Senior dogs, they're worth it!