
Why Is My Puppy Always Thirsty? Understanding Puppy Water Intake.

Why Is My Puppy Always Thirsty? Understanding Puppy Water Intake.

Why Is My Puppy Always Thirsty? Understanding Puppy Water Intake.

Okay, so the other day I was watching my new puppy, Gus, lap up water like he'd just run a marathon. It got me thinking, "Why do puppies drink so much?" I mean, he pees like a racehorse too, so it's clearly going somewhere!

Why Is My Puppy Always Thirsty? Understanding Puppy Water Intake.

First, I just observed. I made sure Gus had a full bowl of fresh water all day. I noticed he drank most after:

  • Playing fetch (obviously!)
  • Waking up from a nap
  • Eating his kibble
  • Just… randomly, throughout the day

It felt like he was drinking way more than my old dog, Buster. So, I did what any curious (and slightly worried) pet owner would do – I started Googling.

My Little Research Deep Dive

I scrolled through a bunch of articles, some from vet websites, some from other pet blogs. I quickly realized that I wasn't gonna use the overly-scientific language. I just wanted the plain English explanation!

Here's the gist of what I figured out:

  • Puppies are growing, like, really fast. All that building of new tissues and stuff needs water.
  • Their kidneys aren't as good at holding onto water as adult dogs' kidneys are. So, they lose more water through pee.
  • They're little bundles of energy! All that running, playing, and exploring burns through water quickly.
  • They eat dry food, dry food makes a dog thirsty, easy.

So, I compared Gus's water intake to what the articles said was "normal" – roughly one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. He was drinking a bit more than that, but not a crazy amount.

Then, to be extra sure, I called my vet. She basically confirmed everything I'd read online. She said as long as Gus was acting normal (eating, playing, pooping regularly), the extra water probably wasn't a problem. She did say to watch out for signs of excessive thirst, like constantly draining the bowl or acting lethargic, which could indicate a problem.

Finally, I just kept an eye on Gus. I made sure his water bowl was always full, and I paid attention to his bathroom habits. Over the next few weeks, his drinking seemed to level out a bit as he got older.

So, my conclusion? Puppies drink a lot because they're growing, active, and their little bodies are still figuring things out. Just keep that water bowl full, and you're probably good!

Why Is My Puppy Always Thirsty? Understanding Puppy Water Intake.