
Why does my dog drool when sniffing? Simple answers for curious pet owners!

Why does my dog drool when sniffing? Simple answers for curious pet owners!

Why does my dog drool when sniffing? Simple answers for curious pet owners!

Okay, so the other day I was walking my dog, Buddy, and I noticed something kinda weird. Every time he got really into sniffing a particular spot on the ground, he'd start drooling like crazy! It wasn't just a little bit of slobber, either – we're talking full-on drool fest. I'd never really paid attention to it before, so I decided I would do an investigation.

Why does my dog drool when sniffing? Simple answers for curious pet owners!

My Deep Dive into Dog Drool

First, I grabbed my phone and opened my browser, and started searching. I typed in "why does my dog drool when sniffing" and hit enter.

I scrolled through a bunch of articles and forum posts. Most of them said the same thing: it's pretty normal!

It turns out, dogs have this thing called the Jacobson's organ (vomeronasal organ) in the roof of their mouths. When they're sniffing something super interesting, this organ kicks into high gear, and that can stimulate saliva production.

Putting it to the Test

Armed with this newfound knowledge, I decided to, conduct some field research. Yep, it was time for another walk with Buddy!

  • I took him to our usual park route.
  • I watched him like a hawk, paying super close attention to his sniffing habits.
  • Sure enough, whenever he found a particularly enticing smell – usually another dog's pee, let's be honest – the drool would start flowing.

I also noticed that he'd sometimes lick the air or chatter his teeth a bit, which I also read was related to using that Jacobson's organ. It's like he was trying to get every last bit of scent information possible!

The Conclusion of My Drool Investigation

So, my investigation confirmed what the internet told me. It's totally normal for dogs to drool when they're sniffing something intensely. It's all thanks to that special organ in their mouths and their super-powered sense of smell. It's a bit gross, sure, but it's just Buddy being Buddy, exploring the world in his own doggy way! I learned something, and it's not really a big deal and normal.