
Why Do I Not Like Dogs? Lets Talk About Why You Might Feel This Way

Why Do I Not Like Dogs? Lets Talk About Why You Might Feel This Way

Why Do I Not Like Dogs? Lets Talk About Why You Might Feel This Way

Okay, so, dogs. Yeah, not a fan. It’s not like I go around kicking puppies or anything, but I just don’t get the whole dog person thing. It all started a few years back. I decided to give this whole “dog-friendly” thing a try. I mean, everyone seemed to love dogs, so I figured, why not? Maybe I was missing out.

Why Do I Not Like Dogs? Lets Talk About Why You Might Feel This Way

I visited a friend who has a couple of these furry beasts. The moment I walked in, bam! I was bombarded. Not in a cute, cuddly way, but in a “holy crap, get this thing off me” kind of way. They jumped, they licked, they shed all over my new black pants. I spent the next hour trying to politely fend them off while simultaneously trying not to gag from the dog breath.

  • The licking, oh god, the licking. It’s like they’re trying to taste your soul through your skin.
  • And the drool! It got everywhere. On my hands, my clothes, even my freaking phone!
  • Personal space? Forget about it. These dogs were all up in my business, sniffing, pawing, and generally making me super uncomfortable.

I tried, I really did. I attempted to play fetch, but it mostly involved me throwing a slobbery ball and then immediately regretting touching it. I even tried to pet them, but the feeling of their fur just made me want to wash my hands for ten minutes straight. Maybe it is because I have some bad memories of being chased by some dogs. I don’t really know. And those dog lovers I encountered with, if they know I don’t like dogs, they will judge me and try to teach me to love them. That make me feel very uncomfortable.

Then there’s the smell. That wet dog smell that just permeates everything. It followed me home, clinging to my clothes and hair. I had to take a shower and wash all my clothes immediately. And don’t even get me started on the barking. It’s like a never-ending symphony of annoying, especially when you’re trying to relax or, you know, think.

So, yeah, I’m just not a dog person. I don’t hate them, I just don’t like them. I respect people who love dogs, but I also respect my own personal space and my desire not to be covered in drool and fur. It’s just a preference, you know? Some people like coffee, some people like tea, and some people, like me, prefer not to have a furry, four-legged creature constantly invading their personal bubble.

What I realized

After that whole ordeal, I realized that it’s okay not to like dogs. It doesn’t make me a bad person, just someone with different preferences. I mean, I like cats. They’re independent, clean, and they don’t try to lick your face off every five seconds. So, if you’re a dog person, that’s cool. You do you. But please, for the love of all that is holy, keep your furry friends away from me.