Why Do I Love My Dogs Smell? Simple Reasons Explained!
Okay, so the other day I was cuddling with my two dogs, Buster and Coco, on the couch. We were just chilling, watching some dumb show on TV, and I buried my face in Buster's fur. And it hit me – I really, really love the way my dogs smell. I know, it sounds weird, right? But it's true!

So, I started thinking, "Why? Why do I love this smell so much?" It's not like they smell like roses or fancy perfume. It's more like…earthy? A little bit corny, even? I don't know, it's hard to describe.
I started doing a little digging, trying to figure this out. First, I just observed. I sniffed them more consciously (they probably thought I was nuts). I noticed that Buster, my older Golden Retriever, has a slightly different smell than Coco, my younger mutt. Buster's is a bit… muskier? While Coco's is a bit sweeter.
My Sniffing Experiment
- Day 1: Deep inhales near their ears. Noticed a faint, sweet, almost yeasty smell.
- Day 2: Focused on their paws. Yep, definitely that "corn chip" smell everyone talks about. Kinda comforting, actually.
- Day 3: Their bellies! This was the mildest smell, almost like warm fur and… happiness? I know, I sound crazy.
- Day 4: I even smelled them after they had been outside with playing,they have smell like sunshine and grass.
I realized the smell wasn't just one thing. It was a combination of their fur, their skin, maybe even their diet. And, honestly, it's probably just… them. It's their unique doggy scent that I've come to associate with comfort, love, and all those good feelings you get from your pets.
It is the pure, unconditional love that they are always give me, and the simple happiness makes me feel so good, so, i love my dogs smell, and i love my dogs.