Need chasing toys for dogs? Find the perfect fetch toy here!
Okay, so yesterday I decided to find some new chasing toys for my dogs. They absolutely love to run and chase, and their old toys were getting pretty worn out. I needed something durable and exciting!

The Search Begins
I started by hitting up my local pet store. I figured they'd have the classic options, and I wanted to see what they had in person.
- First stop: the ball aisle. So. Many. Balls. Tennis balls, rubber balls, squeaky balls... you name it. I grabbed a couple of basic, sturdy rubber balls – can't go wrong there, right?
- Next up: frisbees. My dogs aren't amazing at catching frisbees, but they love trying! I found a soft, flexible one that seemed like it wouldn't hurt their mouths if they did manage a grab.
I grabbed the new toys and then went back home.
Testing Time!
I tested the two rubber balls and the frisbee with my dogs.
The result is:
- Rubber balls:Great bounce and easy to clean,perfect!
- Frisbee:Not the best quality,need something more durable.
So, half a win. I think they will really love those balls, at least. As to the frisbee, maybe I'll just try making a DIY one later – those fabric ones always seem to get shredded immediately anyway. I want to try something tougher.
The frisbee wasn't a total waste, I will do some research about it.
All in all, a pretty good day of toy hunting! Half the mission accomplished,I will find a better frisbee someday!