Need Black Poodle Puppy Names? Check Out This Big List of Ideas!
Okay, folks, let's dive into my little adventure of naming my new black Poodle puppy!

So, I got this adorable little furball, a tiny black Poodle, and the first big mission? Find the PERFECT name. I mean, this name is gonna stick, so it's gotta be good, right?
First, I brainstormed. I just started writing down anything that came to mind. Seriously, anything. I had a page full of scribbles, from "Shadow" (classic, I know) to "Midnight" and even "Licorice." My handwriting is awful, so deciphering my own notes was half the battle.
Then, I tried to categorize. Did I want something tough-sounding? Cute? Elegant? I made little columns on my paper:
- Cute: Coco, Pepper, Bear
- Elegant: Onyx, Jet, Sable
- Fun/Unique: Jett, Inky, Zoom
After making the categorized list, I tried saying the names out loud. A lot. Like, I'd be walking around the house, "Onyx, come here! Onyx, good boy!" It felt a little silly, but it helped me get a feel for the names, see if they rolled off the tongue. I even imagined myself yelling the name at the dog park. If it felt awkward, it was out.
My Thought Process
I wanted something that fit his personality, too. He's a little bouncy thing, super playful, but also with this dignified Poodle air about him. I thought I chose suitable names, but it's hard to decide the one for him. I thought the name should be short and easy to pronounce. It also could be easily heard from a distance.
I even asked my friends for their opinions. I had put on my Wechat moments and showed off pictures of my lovely puppy. They came up with some wild suggestions, but it got me thinking outside my initial list. One friend kept insisting on "Coal," which I just couldn't get behind.
Finally, I narrowed it down to three: Jet, Inky, and Shadow. I tested them out on the puppy himself. I'd call him by each name, see if he seemed to respond. Of course, he's a puppy, so his response was mostly just to wiggle and try to lick my face, but still! I felt I have a good way to choose the one.
And the winner? Jet! It just felt right. Short, snappy, and it suits his sleek black fur and energetic personality. It's been a week, and "Jet" is definitely sticking. He even seems to perk up when he hears it (or maybe he just wants a treat...hard to tell!).