
My Dog Keeps Scratching and Licking Paws (What to Do)

My Dog Keeps Scratching and Licking Paws (What to Do)

Okay, here's my blog post about dealing with my dog's excessive scratching and paw licking:

So, my dog, Buddy, started scratching like crazy a few weeks ago. It was non-stop! And the paw licking? Forget about it. He was going at them like they were delicious chicken wings. It was driving me nuts, and I knew it couldn't be comfortable for him, so I had to do something.

Figuring Out the Cause

First, I checked for fleas. I mean, that's the obvious first step, right? I grabbed a flea comb and went through his fur, especially around his tail and neck. Nothing. Not a single flea. Okay, scratch that off the list (pun intended!).

Next, I thought about his food. Had I changed his brand recently? Nope. Same old kibble he's been eating for months. Hmm... could it be an allergy to something in the food, even if it's the same brand? Maybe.

Then, I considered the environment. We hadn't gone anywhere new, no hikes in weird fields or anything. But, it was getting warmer, and the pollen count was probably up. Could he be reacting to that?

Trying Some Solutions

Here's what I did:

  • Gave him a bath. I used a special oatmeal shampoo that's supposed to be soothing for irritated skin. It seemed to help a little, at least for a few hours.
  • Wiped his paws.Every single time we in from outside,I cleaned his paws with a wet wipe.
  • Changed his food. Even though he'd been on the same brand, I switched to a limited-ingredient formula, just in case. I figured it couldn't hurt.
  • Talked to the vet. Finally, after a few days of trying things on my own, I called the vet. They suggested a few things, including the possibility of allergies, and recommended a medicated spray.

The Results (So Far)

It's been about a week since I started all this. The medicated spray from the vet seems to be working the best. The scratching has definitely decreased, and he's not licking his paws nearly as much. I can tell that he is getting a little better.

I'm still keeping a close eye on him, and I'm going to continue with the limited-ingredient food for a while. It's a process, I guess. Dealing with doggy skin issues is no joke! I'll update if anything changes, but for now, fingers crossed, we're on the right track.