
My dog is restless! Find out common causes & easy solutions.

My dog is restless! Find out common causes & easy solutions.

My dog is restless! Find out common causes & easy solutions.

Okay, so my dog, Buster, he's usually a pretty chill dude. Loves his naps, you know? But the last few days, he's been all over the place. Pacing, whining, can't seem to settle. It was driving me nuts, and honestly, worrying me a bit.

My dog is restless! Find out common causes & easy solutions.

Figuring Out Why My Dog is Restless

So, I started with the basics. Did he need to go potty? Nope. He'd just been out. Was he hungry? Offered him a treat, he turned his nose up. Hmm.

Then I checked for anything obvious. Did he get into something he shouldn't have? A quick scan of the house didn't reveal any chewed-up shoes or raided trash cans. I poked and prodded him gently, feeling for any sore spots. Nothing. He just kept panting and looking at me like, "Help me, human!"

Next up, I considered his routine. Had anything changed? Well, we did start a new construction project down the street. Lots of loud banging and rumbling. Could that be it? He does get a little freaked out by thunderstorms.

So I do a test run. I close all windows and doors, and play the TV show louder than before.

After 30 mins, Buster starts to clam down!!!

  • Boredom/Lack of Exercise: Maybe. He's a high-energy breed, and I'd been a little slack on our walks because of the heat.
  • Anxiety/Stress: Definitely a possibility, with the construction noise. Maybe he was picking up on my stress, too. I've been a bit on edge lately.
  • Pain/Discomfort: I couldn't rule it out completely, even though I didn't find anything obvious.

I decided to tackle the easiest things first. I took him for a long walk, even though it was still warm. We played fetch in the park until he was good and tired. Back home, I put on some calming music (there are even playlists for dogs on Spotify!), and I made a conscious effort to chill out myself. I gave him a good brushing, which he loves, and just spent some quiet time with him.

And guess what? It worked! He finally settled down and took a long nap. He's still a little restless at times, especially when the construction noise is bad, but he's MUCH better. I guess I really do have figured out why my dog is restless.

I'm still keeping a close eye on him, and if he gets really bad again, I'll definitely take him to the vet. But for now, it seems like a combination of extra exercise, a calmer environment, and maybe just some extra attention did the trick. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

My dog is restless! Find out common causes & easy solutions.