My Dog Covers Her Face: Why Does She Do That With Her Paws?
Okay, so, you guys won’t believe what happened the other day. My dog, Daisy, she’s a golden retriever, by the way, started doing this weird thing where she would cover her face with her paws. It was so strange! I mean, she’s always been a bit of a goofball, but this was next level. I was like, “What the heck is going on?”

First, I grabbed my phone and started recording her because, you know, gotta get that evidence. She’s sitting there on the couch, looking all dramatic, with her paws covering her eyes like she’s some kind of silent film star. I couldn’t help but laugh. I posted the video on my social media, thinking it was just a funny dog thing.
Then, the comments started rolling in. People were like, “Oh, she’s so cute!” and “Maybe she’s playing peek-a-boo!” But then some were like, “Is she okay?” and “Maybe she’s stressed?” That’s when I started to worry a bit. Was my Daisy girl feeling okay? Was this her way of telling me something was wrong?
So, I hit up Google, typing in “why does my dog cover her face with her paws”. And, wow, there’s a whole bunch of stuff about this. Turns out, it’s not just a random funny thing. Dogs do this for a few reasons.
- Some folks online said it could be because they’re feeling anxious or scared.
- Others mentioned it could be a sign of submission, like, “Hey, I’m not a threat.”
- And then, of course, there’s the possibility that she’s just trying to get my attention. She’s pretty smart, that one.
After reading through all this stuff, I decided to observe her more closely. I noticed she mostly did it when I was busy with work or when there were loud noises outside. So, maybe it is a bit of anxiety. I started giving her extra cuddles and reassurance, and I even got her a new comfy bed to see if that helps.
She still does it sometimes, but it seems less frequent now. I’m thinking it’s a mix of her being a bit sensitive and wanting some extra love. It is so interesting, right? I’ll definitely keep an eye on her and maybe talk to the vet about it next time we go in for a checkup.
Anyway, just wanted to share this little adventure with you all. Dogs are such fascinating creatures, always keeping us on our toes! It’s like living with a furry little mystery that I gotta solve.
For now, she seems pretty happy, tail wags and all. And honestly, as long as she’s not in any pain or discomfort, I’m cool with her quirky little habit. I guess it’s just another thing that makes my Daisy, well, Daisy!
Let me know if you have anything to share in the comments!