Lysine for dogs: Help your dog fight against the disease!
Okay, so I've been seeing a lot of buzz about "lysine for dogs" online, and I figured I'd give it a shot with my own pup, Buster. He's a golden retriever, and lately, he's been a little... off.

First, I noticed Buster was sneezing more than usual. Not a ton, but enough that I was starting to wonder if something was up. He also had some watery eyes. I’m no vet, but it looked like maybe a little cold or something.
My Experiment with Lysine
So, I did some digging. I was looking for something natural, maybe a supplement, that could help boost his immune system a bit. That's where I kept seeing lysine pop up. Apparently, it helps with viruses, especially in cats, but there was some talk about it helping dogs too. I found some dog-specific lysine treats online.
- I started Buster on a low dose. The package said two treats a day for his size, but I started with just one, just to be safe. I wanted to see how he reacted.
- I gave him the treat with his breakfast every morning. He gobbled them right up, no problem there! He loves anything that resembles a treat.
- I watched him like a hawk for the first few days. I was looking for any weird reactions, you know, like upset stomach, diarrhea, anything like that. Thankfully, he seemed totally fine.
After about a week, I bumped it up to the two treats a day, like the package suggested. And honestly? I think it's helping!
The sneezing has definitely decreased. It's not completely gone, but it's way less frequent. His eyes also look clearer, less watery. He seems to have a bit more pep in his step, too. More zoomies around the yard!
Now, I'm not saying this is a miracle cure or anything. I'm not a vet, and this is just my experience with my dog. But, I think the lysine is making a difference for Buster. I'm going to keep him on it for a while and see how he does. I am also planning to take him to the real vet to check what happen with him. I will continue to record.