How Much Does Dog Breeding Cost: A Breakdown of Startup & Ongoing Fees.
Okay, so I decided to look into breeding dogs. I've always loved dogs, and the idea of, you know, helping bring more adorable puppies into the world seemed pretty cool. But, man, was I in for a surprise when I started digging into the costs!

First, I started with the basics. I figured, "Okay, I need a female dog, right?" But it's not just about having a dog. You need a healthy dog, one that's been tested for all sorts of genetic stuff. So, I looked up breeders and asked about health testing. Turns out, that alone can cost a bunch.
Pre-Breeding Expenses
- Health testing for the mama dog: This was a big one. Think hip and elbow scores, eye exams, heart checks – the whole nine yards. I was seeing numbers thrown around, and the expenses can easily get into the multiple hundreds, even thousands, just for testing!
- Stud fee or keeping your own male dog: The male dog is not free, to get the best partner dog for your female dog. This could cost you much more than the female dog.
Then, I realized there's the whole pregnancy thing. I mean, dogs need vet care during pregnancy, just like people! So, I called my vet and asked about prenatal checkups and ultrasounds. More costs. And, of course, there's the special food the pregnant dog needs. That's not cheap either.
Pregnancy and Whelping Costs
- Prenatal vet visits: Yep, regular checkups to make sure everything's going smoothly.
- Ultrasound: To see how many puppies to expect and check on their development.
- High-quality food: Gotta keep the mom and puppies healthy!
- Whelping supplies: I had no idea what half this stuff was! Whelping box, heating pads, towels, scales…it added up.
Then the puppies arrive! And, oh boy, the expenses don't stop there. They need vaccinations, deworming, and checkups. I started adding all this up, and my head started spinning.
Post-Whelping Costs
- Puppy vet visits: Each puppy needs their shots and a general health check.
- Deworming: Gotta keep those parasites away.
- Food: Puppy food is surprisingly expensive!
- Microchipping(optional but recommended): cost depends on where you get it done.
- Miscellaneous supplies: Think puppy pads, toys, cleaning supplies…it never ends.
Finally, I thought about the unexpected stuff. What if there are complications during the birth? What if a puppy gets sick? Emergency vet bills can be huge. I even read some stories online about breeders who had to pay thousands for C-sections.
Honestly, after all this research, I realized that dog breeding is way more expensive than I initially thought. It's not just a fun hobby; it's a real financial commitment. I'm still thinking about it, but I definitely have a much better understanding of what's involved now. I haven't given up yet.
But the first thing to do is to save money!