Help! Why do dogs go crazy after a bath, and how to handle them.
Okay, so the other day I was giving my dog, Buster, a bath. Everything was going normal, you know, the usual struggle to get him in the tub, the shampooing, the rinsing... But then, as SOON as I took him out and he got on the floor, he just LOST IT. Zoomies everywhere!

The Great Experiment
I've seen this a million times, but this time I thought, "I'm gonna figure this out." So, I decided to pay extra close attention and document the whole shebang.
- Step 1: The Dreaded Bath. Got Buster in the tub. It's always a bit of a wrestling match, but we got there. He gives me those sad puppy-dog eyes the whole time.
- Step 2: Soap and Rinse. Used his regular dog shampoo, nothing fancy. Made sure to rinse him REALLY well, because I know leftover soap can make them itchy.
- Step 3: The Towel of Terror. He hates the towel, always has. I try to be gentle, but he starts squirming and trying to escape the second the towel touches him.
- Step 4: FREEDOM! The moment he was free from my grasp, it was like a rocket launched. He bolted out of the bathroom, running around like a crazy dog.
He ran around the living room, rubbing himself on the carpet, the sofa, even my legs! It was like he was possessed. He'd do a lap, shake himself off, then do it all over again. This went on for a good five minutes.
My Best Guesses
Here's what I think is going on, based on my highly scientific observations:
- Getting Rid of the "Clean" Smell: Buster loves rolling around in dirt and, well, other questionable stuff. I think maybe he just wants to get his "normal" smell back as quickly as possible.
- Drying Off: Even though I towel him off, he's still damp. Maybe the running and rubbing helps him dry faster. It’s like his own personal air-drying system.
- Pure, Unadulterated Joy: Maybe it’s just the feeling of being free from the tub. Kind of like when you finally take off a tight pair of shoes after a long day.
- A Burst of Energy. Perhaps it's pent-up energy from having to stay (relatively) still during the * that energy has to go somewhere, right?
I also observe that Buster would go crazy after * just couldn’t clam down, I think it's a mix of all the above. Whatever the reason, it's always hilarious to watch. And honestly, it makes the whole bath-time struggle worth it.