Help! My Dog Wont Stop Licking! (Common Causes of Porque mi perro se lame mucho)
Okay, so my dog, Buddy, he's a golden retriever, and he started licking himself like crazy a few weeks ago. It was non-stop! I was getting really worried, so I started paying super close attention.

First Steps: Observation
I noticed that he was mostly licking his paws and his belly. No other spots, really. Just those two areas, over and over. He'd lick, and lick, and lick, until I thought he'd lick the fur right off!
Checking for the Obvious
My first thought was, "Fleas?" So, I grabbed a flea comb and went through his fur, inch by inch. Nothing. Not a single flea. I even checked his bedding and the carpets. Still nothing. Okay, fleas ruled out, I guess.
Food Allergy Suspicions
Then, I remembered reading somewhere that excessive licking could be a sign of food allergies. We'd recently switched his food to a new brand, a "grain-free" formula that was supposed to be super healthy. I was starting to get suspicious of the switch
- Switched back to his old food.
- Waited a few days to see if it made a difference.
The Waiting Game (and More Licking)
Honestly, those few days felt like forever. Buddy kept licking. It didn't seem to be getting any better. He was still going at it, especially at night. I was starting to feel really helpless.
Vet Visit Time
I gave up on my home remedies and booked an appointment with the vet. I explained everything I'd tried and observed. The vet took a good look at Buddy, especially his paws and belly.
The Diagnosis (Finally!)
After running a blood test, the results came back to prove that Buddy was indeed allergic to the new food.
The Solution is very easy
After switching back to the old food, Buddy is fine! He doesn't lick himself anymore.