Fresh Dental Water Additive for Dogs: Is It Really Worth It? Read This First.
Okay, here's my blog post about using a fresh dental water additive for my dog:

So, my dog, Buster, he's a golden retriever, and his breath? Whew, it could knock you over. I love him to bits, but sometimes, getting close was a bit of a challenge. I tried those dental chews, you know, the green ones? He'd gobble them down in like, two seconds, and his breath would be okay for maybe an hour. Not really a solution.
Then I saw this ad for a dental water additive – basically, you just put it in their water bowl, and it's supposed to help with their teeth and breath. I was a little skeptical, I mean, it sounded too easy. But I figured, hey, it's worth a shot. Anything to avoid wrestling him to brush his teeth, which, let me tell you, is a nightmare.
My Experiment Begins!
I picked up a bottle of the stuff. The instructions were pretty straightforward: add a capful to his water bowl every day. Easy peasy.
- Day 1: Buster didn't even seem to notice a difference in his water. He drank it like normal. I didn't notice any immediate change in his breath, but, you know, it's only day one.
- Day 3: Okay, maybe it's my imagination, but I think his breath is a little less... intense. Still not minty fresh, but definitely improved.
- Day 7: Whoa! A noticeable difference! I can actually get close to his face without wanting to hold my breath. This stuff is actually working!
- Day 14: Buster's breath is significantly better. It's not perfect, but it's a HUGE improvement. I'm super happy with this.
It's been about a month now, and I'm still using the water additive. I've also noticed that his teeth look a little cleaner, less of that yellow-ish buildup. I'm no vet, so I can't say for sure if it's preventing tartar or anything, but visually, they look better.
The best part? No more wrestling matches to brush his teeth! I mean, I'll still probably try to brush them occasionally, but it's not a daily battle anymore. This water additive has made my life (and Buster's breath) a whole lot better. I highly recommend you add one to your dog's daily routine.
If your dog could speak, he'd say"Woof", I mean"Thanks".