
Figuring out why is my puppy dry heaving? Here are 6 possible causes from simple to serious issues.

Figuring out why is my puppy dry heaving? Here are 6 possible causes from simple to serious issues.

Figuring out why is my puppy dry heaving? Here are 6 possible causes from simple to serious issues.

Okay, let me tell you what happened with my little guy the other day. It really threw me for a loop. He started doing this awful hacking, gagging thing – proper dry heaving. You know, like he was trying to throw up but nothing was coming out. Scared me half to death, honestly.

Figuring out why is my puppy dry heaving? Here are 6 possible causes from simple to serious issues.

First Things First: Panic, Then Observe

My first reaction? Pure panic. My mind raced through all the worst-case scenarios. Did he swallow something? Is he choking? Poison? It's wild how quickly your brain goes there. But after a second, I forced myself to calm down and just watch him.

I got down on the floor with him. Was he distressed? Breathing okay otherwise? Tail tucked or wagging? In my case, after a few heaves, he’d stop, look around, maybe even wag his tail a bit, then do it again a minute later. He wasn't drooling excessively or pawing at his mouth, which I took as maybe slightly less alarming signs. Still worrying, though.

My Process: Ruling Things Out

So, I started thinking logically, trying to retrace our steps. What had happened right before this started?

  • Did he eat too fast? This was my prime suspect. He sometimes gulps his food down like he hasn't eaten in weeks. Sometimes that rush of air and food can cause gagging. I remembered he'd just finished his dinner maybe 15 minutes earlier.
  • Did he swallow something weird? I did a quick sweep of the area. Checked his favourite chew toys. Looked under the sofa. Didn't see any obvious culprits – no shredded plastic, no missing sock, nothing unusual. I also gently opened his mouth (he hates this, poor thing) to see if anything was obviously stuck in his throat or on the roof of his mouth. Found nothing.
  • Was it water? Sometimes drinking too much water too quickly can make them gag too. He hadn't just had a massive drink, though.
  • Kennel Cough possibility? This was in the back of my mind. It often sounds like a goose honk or a persistent hacking cough, sometimes followed by a gag. He hadn't been around many new dogs recently, but you never know.

What I Figured Out (For My Pup)

I kept a really close eye on him for the next hour or so. The dry heaving became less frequent and eventually stopped. He drank some water normally and seemed pretty much back to his usual bouncy self. Because it stopped on its own, and he seemed fine otherwise – normal energy, appetite later on, no fever, regular breathing – I strongly suspected he had just eaten way too fast. That quick inhalation of food likely irritated his throat or triggered a gag reflex.

It reminded me of when I first got him, adjusting to his quirks felt like a full-time job. You're constantly watching, worrying, trying to figure out what every little noise or action means. It’s exhausting but also part of the deal, right?

What I Did Next & Final Thoughts

Even though I felt it was likely the fast eating, I made a note of it. Any recurrence, or if he'd shown other signs like lethargy, loss of appetite, actual vomiting, or difficulty breathing, I would have been straight on the phone to the vet. No messing about with puppies. Their health can change so quickly.

To tackle the eating-too-fast issue, I actually went out and got one of those slow-feeder bowls the next day. You know, the ones with all the bumps and ridges? It forces him to take his time. It seems to be helping, haven't had a repeat dry heaving episode since, touch wood.

So, that was my little adventure into the world of puppy dry heaving. It's often something simple like eating too fast, a bit of irritation, or maybe needing to cough something up. But it's always, always worth observing closely and not hesitating to get professional help if you're worried or if other symptoms pop up. Better safe than sorry with these little guys.

Figuring out why is my puppy dry heaving? Here are 6 possible causes from simple to serious issues.