Figuring out why does my dog like rocks: Possible causes like pica or boredom explained.
So, let me tell you about my dog, Max, and this weird phase he went through. Rocks. Yeah, actual rocks. It started outta nowhere, really.

One afternoon, I was just chilling in the backyard, scrolling through my phone, and I see Max trotting over, super proud, with this smooth, grey rock in his mouth. Not a stick, not his ball, a rock. I thought it was a one-off thing, maybe he mistook it for something else? I told him, "Drop it, Max!" He just looked at me, tail wagging slightly, like, "But why? It's a good rock."
I managed to trade him for a treat that time. But then it kept happening. On walks, he'd suddenly veer off to grab a pebble. In the yard, he'd find them hidden in the grass. It wasn't like he was eating them, thank goodness. Mostly just carrying them around, sometimes mouthing them a bit, sometimes just... holding them.
Trying to figure it out
Okay, so this was getting weird. My first thought was, maybe he's bored? We walk every day, play fetch, he’s got toys scattered everywhere. But maybe I thought it was enough, and he didn't?
- I tried increasing playtime. Longer walks, more fetch sessions until my arm felt like it would fall off.
- I got him some new chew toys, different textures, hoping something else would catch his fancy.
- I made sure his food was good, thinking maybe it was some weird nutritional thing, like pica. Didn't seem likely, he's always been on decent food.
None of it really stopped the rock fascination completely. He'd still pick one up occasionally. And honestly, I started getting worried. What if he chips a tooth? What if he actually swallows one by accident? That could mean surgery. Suddenly this quirky habit felt way more serious.
Watching and Learning
I decided to just watch him closely. No immediate yelling "drop it," just observe. When did he do it most? What kind of rocks? What was I doing when it happened?
I noticed a pattern. It happened a lot when I was distracted – gardening, talking on the phone, working on my laptop outside. It also happened sometimes on walks when we passed certain areas, almost like he had favorite rock spots. He seemed to like the smooth, roundish ones best. And often, when he picked one up and I noticed, he'd get this playful look, like he wanted me to chase him for it.
Bingo. It seemed like a combo platter:
- Partly just the interesting texture and coolness of the rocks. Dogs explore with their mouths, right?
- Partly boredom, maybe, especially if I wasn't actively engaging him.
- And a big part, I think, was getting my attention. Because every time he picked up a rock, I reacted.
What I Did About It
Okay, knowing why (or having a good guess) made it easier to tackle.

First, I did a sweep of the backyard. Any loose, tempting rocks got moved or buried. Less opportunity, less temptation.
Second, I got way more proactive with engagement. If we were outside and I couldn't play right that second, I made sure he had a really enticing chew toy nearby, like one of those puzzle toys with treats inside, or a safe bone.
Third, I doubled down on training the "leave it" and "drop it" commands, using super high-value treats. Consistency was key. Praising him like crazy when he chose a toy instead of a rock.
Fourth, and this was hard, I tried to react less dramatically when he did pick one up (unless it looked like he might swallow it). Calmly asking him to drop it, offering a trade, instead of jumping up and making a big fuss, which might have been reinforcing the attention-seeking part.
Where We Are Now
It took a while. Weeks, maybe months, of being really consistent. But gradually, the rock obsession faded. He still picks up a stick now and then, or his ball, but rocks? Rarely. If he does nose one, a quick "leave it" usually works now. He knows the drill.
It's funny, the weird things our dogs do. You just gotta be patient, try to understand where they're coming from, and guide them towards safer habits. Max is back to being a normal, toy-loving goofball, thankfully. No more rock collecting for us!