
Eloise Dog Name: Is It the Perfect, Cute Choice for Your Pup?

Eloise Dog Name: Is It the Perfect, Cute Choice for Your Pup?

Okay, so I've been thinking about getting a dog for, like, forever. And a big part of getting a dog is, obviously, the name! I wanted something cute, but not, you know, too common. I've always loved the name "Eloise," I think it started with those "Eloise at the Plaza" books I read as a kid. So, I started my "Eloise dog name" project.

Eloise Dog Name: Is It the Perfect, Cute Choice for Your Pup?

First, I googled "Eloise dog name popular?". I wanted to see if it was already super popular, it should be unique,right? I scrolled through a few pages of search results, forum, naming, ranking and so * seemed pretty okay – not like, top 10, which was good.

Then, I started making a list. I grabbed a piece of paper and just started brainstorming variations and nicknames.

  • Eloise (obviously)
  • Ellie
  • Lola
  • Weezie
  • Lou

I even tried saying them out loud, pretending I was calling the dog in the park. "Eloise! Come here, girl!" "Ellie, stop that!" Sounds good, I think.

Testing It Out

Next, I did what any normal person does. I asked my friends. I have totally two friends, Jack and Rose. I texted my group chat: "Thinking of naming my future dog Eloise. Thoughts?"

Jack was instantly on board. Rose, however, wasn't totally sold. She thought it was a bit too "human-y" for a dog. She suggested something simpler, like "Daisy".

But I stuck to my guns. I really love "Eloise". I think it has a certain... charm. And the nickname potential is huge! I'm leaning towards calling her "Ellie" most of the time, but "Lola" is also super cute.

Finally, the last part, I wanted to make sure the name "worked" with different dog breeds. I imagined myself with a fluffy little Pomeranian, a sleek Greyhound, a goofy Golden Retriever... and you know what? "Eloise" surprisingly fit them all! A regal Eloise, a playful Eloise, a clumsy Eloise... it all worked!

So, yeah. That's my "Eloise dog name" journey. Now I just need to, you know, actually get the dog. But at least I've got the perfect name ready and waiting!

Eloise Dog Name: Is It the Perfect, Cute Choice for Your Pup?