Dog Yelping in Sleep: Is It Normal or Should I Worry? (why does my dog yelp in his sleep)
Okay, here's my blog post about why my dog yelps in his sleep, written from my personal experience and in a casual, conversational tone:

So, the other night, I heard this little yelp, and I was like, "What was that?" It was my dog, Buster, fast asleep in his bed. He's done this before, little whimpers and twitches, but this was a full-on yelp, like he stubbed his toe on a dream fire hydrant or something.
Naturally, I got a little worried. Is he okay? Is he having a nightmare? I mean, dogs dream, right? So, I did what any concerned dog parent would do: I went down the internet rabbit hole.
My Deep Dive into Doggy Dreams
First thing, I did a online search, just general stuff like, "dog yelping in sleep."
It looks that is not something I need worry about.
- Puppies, especially, are known to be more vocal during sleep. Makes sense, they're processing a whole lot of new experiences.
- Older dogs, like my Buster, might be experiencing some age-related cognitive decline. That's a little sad, but it can manifest as more vocalizations during sleep.
So, I started observing Buster more closely. I wanted to see if there was a pattern. Was he yelping during specific times of the night? Was it after a particularly active day? I kept a little notepad by my bed (yes, I'm that dog mom) and jotted down when I heard him yelp, how long it lasted, and anything else I noticed, like if he was twitching a lot.
After a week or so of my super-scientific observation, I noticed a few things. Most of the yelps were pretty short, just a quick "yip!" and then he'd settle back down. There were a couple of times when he yelped a bit longer and seemed more agitated, like he was running in his dream and maybe tripped. But he never woke up crying or seemed distressed afterwards.
Based on my highly detailed (and slightly obsessive) research and observations, I've come to the conclusion that Buster's yelps are mostly just normal doggy dream stuff. He's probably chasing squirrels, barking at the mailman, or maybe even dreaming about that time he stole a whole steak off the counter (true story!).

I did check in my dog's vet, and my vet was pretty chill about it. That my dog is probably just having vivid dreams.
If your dog is yelping in their sleep and you're worried, definitely keep an eye on them, maybe even record a video to show your vet. But chances are, they're just dreaming away, living their best doggy life, even in their sleep.