
Dog Ear Chewing: Why Do Dogs Chew on Other Dogs Ears & Is It Normal?

Dog Ear Chewing: Why Do Dogs Chew on Other Dogs Ears & Is It Normal?

Dog Ear Chewing: Why Do Dogs Chew on Other Dogs Ears & Is It Normal?

Okay, so the other day I was watching my two dogs, Max and Buddy, play in the yard. It was all fun and games until I noticed Max was really going to town on Buddy's ears. Like, full-on chewing. It looked weird, and honestly, a little concerning. So, I decided to figure out what was going on.

Dog Ear Chewing: Why Do Dogs Chew on Other Dogs Ears & Is It Normal?

My Little Investigation

First, I separated the dogs. Just to make sure Buddy's ears got a break. Then, I checked Buddy's ears for anything obvious. You know, looking for any redness, swelling, bugs, or anything that looked off.

  • Looked for mites: Ear mites are super common, and I figured maybe Buddy had some, and Max was trying to, I don't know, help?
  • Checked for infection: Sometimes ear infections can make ears itchy, so I sniffed around (gross, I know) for any weird smells and looked for discharge.
  • Considered allergies: Buddy has sensitive skin, so I thought maybe he was having an allergic reaction to something, and the chewing was a way to scratch the itch.

Buddy's ears seemed fine, no obvious problems. So, that made me think it might be more behavioral than medical.

Digging Deeper into Dog Behavior

Next, I did some good old-fashioned internet searching. I typed in "why do dogs chew on other dogs ears" and scrolled through a bunch of articles and forum posts. I found a few possible explanations:

  • Grooming: Apparently, dogs sometimes groom each other, and ears can be a target. It's like a bonding thing.
  • Playfulness: Some dogs are just mouthy, and ears are flappy and fun to chew on. Especially puppies.
  • Dominance: I read that sometimes ear chewing can be a way for one dog to show they're the boss.
  • Anxiety or Boredom: If a dog is stressed or doesn't have enough to do, they might chew on things, including other dogs' ears.

Figuring out my situation

I think in my case, the most likely is playfulness mixed with a bit of grooming, here's my anaylsis:

  • Max and buddy love each others' company
  • They are both active and playful, no sign of anxiety or boredom
  • They always play rough with each other.

So, after all that, I'm not super worried. It seems like normal dog behavior. But, I'm still going to keep an eye on them. If it gets too rough, or if Buddy seems bothered, I'll step in and redirect their attention. Maybe give them a chew toy or something to keep them occupied. And if I see any signs of irritation in Buddy's ears, it's straight to the vet!