Doctor Who Dog Names: Cool & Popular Picks for Your Pup!
Okay, so I've been on a total Doctor Who kick lately, rewatching all the new series episodes. And it got me thinking about my own dog, Winston. He's a good boy, a bit clumsy, definitely not a genius, but loyal to the end. Which, you know, kinda reminds you of some companions, right? So I thought, "Why not dive into some Doctor Who-themed dog names?"

First, I brainstormed. Just free-associating, writing down everything that came to mind. I made a big list, jotting down character names, alien species, planets, even random objects from the show. My initial list looked something like this:
- Rory
- Amy
- River
- Dalek (maybe for a feisty pup?)
- Tardis (too obvious?)
- Cyberman(only half kidding!)
- K9(I mean, I had to put this name, right?)
- Rose
- Jack
Then, I started crossing some off. "Cyberman" was a bit much, even for me. "Tardis" felt a little…on the nose. I mean, I love the show, but I didn't want to be that person at the dog park, you know?
Next, I thought about my dog's personality. Winston is, like I said, a bit of a goofball. Brave, but not exactly graceful. He's more of a Rory than a Doctor, if you catch my drift. I considered, that it should be fit for his personality, not a wired name.
I also wanted to say the names out loud. Because yelling "QUANTUM LOCK!" across a field full of poodles seemed…ill-advised. Some names just sound better, roll off the tongue easier. "Rory!" is a good, solid yell. "The Silence!" Not so much.
So, after narrowing it down, I'm thinking of a few solid contenders:
- Rory: Classic, dependable, and surprisingly heroic. Fits Winston well.
- Jack: Because he's very popular.
- K9: For the irony, obviously. Winston is about as far from a robotic dog as you can get.
I haven't made a final decision yet. I’m going to try them out for a few days, see which one feels right. It's a big decision, naming a dog! It's gotta be something you're comfortable shouting in public, something that suits their personality, and something you just plain like. And if it happens to be a nod to your favorite sci-fi show? Well, that's just a bonus.