
Digging Toys for Dogs: Top Picks & Why Your Pup Needs Them!

Digging Toys for Dogs: Top Picks & Why Your Pup Needs Them!

Okay, here's my blog post about making digging toys for dogs, written in the style you requested:

Digging Toys for Dogs: Top Picks & Why Your Pup Needs Them!

So, my dog, Buster, is a DIGGER. I mean, this dude would dig to China if I let him. My backyard was starting to look like a minefield, so I knew I had to do something. I figured, "Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... sort of." I decided to make him some digging toys, so he could get his dig on without destroying my landscaping.

The Cardboard Box Bonanza

First, I tried the super-simple route. I grabbed a bunch of cardboard boxes we had lying around from deliveries. I made sure to take off any tape or labels – wouldn't want Buster chowing down on that stuff.

Then, I just tossed some of his favorite treats and toys inside, crumpled up some newspaper, and closed the boxes up. I didn't seal them completely, just enough so he had to work for it.

Buster went NUTS. He was ripping and shredding, tail wagging like crazy. It kept him busy for a good hour, and he seemed pretty satisfied afterward. Plus, cleanup was easy – just tossed the cardboard in the recycling bin.

The Sandbox Upgrade

The boxes were good, but I wanted something a little more… permanent. I'd seen those fancy digging pits online, but they were way too expensive. So, I went the DIY route again.

First, get one sandbox, fill the sanbox with some dog-friendly sand.

Then, I buried some of Buster's toys and some bigger, tougher chews in the sand. I made sure to vary the depth, so he'd have to really work to find everything.

  • Step 1: prepare all material I need.
  • Step 2: Find a good place to put the sandbox.
  • Step 3: Bury his toys.
  • Step 4: Let Buster enjoy his time.

This was a HUGE hit. Buster spends hours in that digging box now. He'll dig, find a toy, play with it for a bit, then bury it again. It's hilarious to watch, and it keeps him entertained and out of my flower beds.

Digging Toys for Dogs: Top Picks & Why Your Pup Needs Them!

The "Towel Trick" for Rainy Days

When it's raining and Buster can't go outside, I have another little trick. I take an old towel and lay it flat on the floor.

Then, I sprinkle some kibble or small treats across the towel and roll it up like a burrito. I don't tie it or anything, just let it be loosely rolled.

Buster has to use his nose and paws to unroll the towel and get to the treats. It's not exactly digging, but it satisfies that same urge to forage and work for his food.

So, yeah, that's how I've been handling Buster's digging obsession. It's been a lot of trial and error, but we've finally found some things that work. My backyard is (mostly) safe, and Buster is one happy, digging dog!