Common reasons why is my dogs butt bleeding, from simple anal gland issues to serious concerns.
Alright, let me tell you what happened the other day. Freaked me right out. I saw some bright red blood spots on the dog's bed. Then I looked at his backside, and yep, definitely some blood around his butt.

First thing I did, obviously, was check him over. Grabbed some paper towels. Gently cleaned the area. He wasn't exactly thrilled, kinda squirmed away. Looked for any cuts or obvious injuries back there. Didn't see anything like a scrape or a bite.
So, my mind started racing. What could it be?
Possible Culprits
- Anal Glands: This was my top suspect. Heard tons of stories about these things getting blocked, infected. Nasty business.
- Constipation: Maybe he was straining too hard to poop? Sometimes that can cause a little tear or blood vessel to pop. Checked his latest poop in the yard – looked kinda hard, maybe?
- Something He Ate: My dog, bless his heart, isn't the pickiest eater. Worried he might've swallowed something sharp that was causing trouble on the way out.
- Something Worse: Tried not to go there, but you always worry about tumors or infections, right?
I watched him for a bit. He wasn't acting super sick, still wagging his tail, wanted treats. But the bleeding, even if it was just a little, wasn't normal. Tried looking closer myself, but honestly, I don't know what I'm looking for back there. Didn't want to make things worse by poking around too much.
Decided pretty quickly this wasn't something to wait out. Called the vet, explained the situation. They told me to bring him in. So, loaded him into the car. He loves car rides, thankfully, so that part was easy.
Vet Visit & The Verdict
At the vet's office, they did the usual check – temperature, listened to his heart, felt his belly. Then came the glamorous part: the rear end check. Vet took one look, did the whole anal gland expression thing. My dog was NOT a fan, let me tell you.
And bingo. That was the issue. One of his anal glands was impacted, basically blocked up and really irritated. That's what caused the bleeding. The vet said it's super common, especially in some breeds.
They cleaned him up, expressed both glands fully (yuck), and gave me some advice. Suggested adding a bit more fiber to his diet – like a spoonful of plain pumpkin puree or getting food with higher fiber content. Said it helps keep things moving and prevents the glands from getting blocked up so easily.
So, yeah. It wasn't the worst-case scenario I was imagining, thank goodness. Just a classic case of dog butt problems. Cost me a vet visit, but worth the peace of mind. He was back to normal pretty much the next day, no more blood.

It's just one of those things you deal with as a dog owner, I guess. You see something weird, you panic a little, you check it out, and often it's something manageable. But definitely better to get it checked by a vet than guess, especially with bleeding. Learned my lesson about watching for scooting or excessive licking back there too – classic signs the glands might be bothering him. Now pumpkin is a regular part of his dinner routine. Crazy the stuff you learn owning a pet.