Choosing Dog Food: Fromm vs Purina Pro Plan, Whats the Best Value?
Okay, so I've been meaning to switch up my dog's food for a while now. He's been on the same stuff since he was a puppy, and honestly, I just felt like it was time for a change. Plus, he's been getting a little... ahem... gassy lately. So, I started looking into different brands, and it came down to two big ones: Fromm and Purina Pro Plan.

The Great Food Face-Off: Research Begins!
First, I did some digging online, you know, read some reviews, compared ingredients, all that fun stuff. Both Fromm and Purina Pro Plan seem pretty popular, and they both have tons of different formulas. It was a little overwhelming, to be honest. I felt like I was drowning in dog food options!
Narrowing it Down
I knew I wanted something with good quality protein, and I also wanted to make sure it was something my dog would actually eat. He can be a picky little dude sometimes. After hours with my head in my laptop and a big mess of papers. I've narrowed it down!
- Fromm: I was looking at their Gold line, specifically the Adult Gold formula. It seemed like a good all-around option.
- Purina Pro Plan: I was leaning towards the "Savor" line, the shredded blend with chicken and rice. It looked tasty (well, for dog food, anyway).
The Taste Test
Okay, the moment of truth. I bought small bags of both Fromm and Purina Pro Plan. First up was Fromm. I put it in his bowl, and he sniffed it... and then just stared at me. He took a few bites, then walked away. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Next, I tried the Purina Pro Plan. He sniffed this one too, but then he actually started eating! He chowed down the whole bowl, no problem. Success!
The Aftermath (aka the "Gas Test")
This was the real test, right? Remember the gas I mentioned earlier? Well, I kept a close eye (and nose) on things after he ate the Purina Pro Plan. And you know what? It was a noticeable improvement! Not perfect, but definitely better than before. I don't clear the room anymore.
The Verdict
For my dog, Purina Pro Plan was the clear winner. He liked the taste better, and it seemed to agree with his stomach more. Now, every dog is different, so Fromm might be great for other pups. But in my little experiment, Purina Pro Plan came out on top. I guess at the end, I saw that his stool was firmer, and that's a good sign for me that he's digesting his food better.
So, I'm switching, my decision made. Fingers crossed this continues to be a good fit for him!