Are Pork Neck Bones for Dogs Okay? Vet Tips for Safety.
Okay, so the other day, I decided to give my furry friend a special treat and went to the local butcher to get some pork neck bones.

First off, I made sure to ask the butcher about the quality and whether they were okay for dogs. I mean pork is kind of fatty. Safety first, right? He assured me they were fine, so I bought a few pounds. Got them home and did a bit of a double-check online. Found out that pork has about 16% less fat and 27% less saturated fat compared to 30 years ago. I found that to be a relief. It means that pork might not be as bad as I thought for my dog.
I rinsed the bones under cold water to get rid of any bone fragments. Then, I boiled some water in a big pot and tossed the bones in, just enough to cover them, letting them simmer for about an hour. The smell was kinda strong, ngl. But I opened some windows, so it was not that bad. I just wanted to make sure they are tender enough and kill any potential bacteria.
Feeding Time
- I let the bones cool down completely before giving them to my dog. Never give hot bones, obviously.
- Gave him one bone to start with, just to see how he’d react. I made sure that my dog did not get choked.
- He absolutely loved it! Gnawed on it for ages, looking all content and happy. He carried that bone everywhere.
I kept an eye on him for the next 24 hours. No issues whatsoever – no upset stomach, no weird poop. Success! He seemed more energetic than usual, which is always a good sign. I guess that pork is one of the most consumed meats globally, providing high-quality protein. Also, a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of cooked, ground pork provides many nutrients. It makes sense, you know.
After he was done, I inspected the bone. It was pretty clean, but I still tossed it out to avoid any splintering risk. I also wiped down the area where he was chewing, just to keep things hygienic.
All in all, it was a successful experiment. I think I’ll be giving him pork neck bones more often, maybe once a week or so. Just gotta make sure to keep an eye on his weight, ’cause you know, pork is still kind of fatty. But seeing him that happy? Totally worth it.
Oh, and just a heads-up, my dog is a Yorkshire terrier. They are pretty self-assured and stunning. So I guess that pork neck bone is a good choice for my dog.