How to Stop Ants from Eating Your Dogs Food?
Okay, so, the other day I noticed a trail of ants marching straight towards my dog's food bowl. Not cool, right? I mean, I love my dog, Buster, but I don't want to share his kibble with a bunch of tiny, uninvited guests. So I decided I needed to do something about it, and fast.

My Anti-Ant Operation
First, I grabbed the food bowl and gave it a good wash. Sticky residue? Gone. Ant-attracting crumbs? History. I also wiped down the area around where the bowl usually sits, just to make sure I got rid of any lingering scent * little buggers are persistent.
Next, I needed a barrier. I'd heard that ants don't like certain things, So I tried to create a barrier using things from my kichen.
- I sprinkled a line of cinnamon around the feeding area. Cinnamon smells great to us, but apparently, ants hate it.
- If that failed, I had the other options to try, like creating line of baby powder.
- Also,I Filled a spray bottle with vinegar and gave the area a good spritz.
I put Buster's clean bowl back down, right in the middle of my cinnamon fortress. I used quite a bit of cinnamon, I am not gonna to lie. Then, I just watched. For like, a solid hour, I sat there, pretending to read, but really just keeping an eye out for any ant activity.
At first, a few scout ants showed up. They approached the cinnamon line, hesitated, and then…turned around! It was working! They went back the way they came, probably to tell their buddies that the food source was no longer accessible. Ant communication is wild, huh?
It's been a few days now, and I haven't seen a single ant near Buster's bowl. My cinnamon defense system is holding strong. My dog is happy, and I'm happy, I guess I can say, mission accomplished!