
Starting a Doggy Daycare: Expenses You Need to Consider Now.

Starting a Doggy Daycare: Expenses You Need to Consider Now.

Starting a Doggy Daycare: Expenses You Need to Consider Now.

Okay, so I've been kicking around this idea of starting a doggy daycare for a while now, and I finally decided to get serious and figure out the costs. It's not as simple as just finding a space and letting the dogs loose, sadly. There's a LOT to consider.

Starting a Doggy Daycare: Expenses You Need to Consider Now.

First Steps: Research, Research, Research!

I started by, you know, hitting the internet. I looked at other doggy daycares in my area (and some not-so-local ones, just to get ideas). I wanted to see what they offered, what their spaces looked like, and – most importantly – what they charged. This gave me a rough ballpark of what I might be able to charge, and what kind of services people expect.

Crunching the Numbers (The Scary Part)

This is where things got real. I started listing out everything I could think of that would cost money. And let me tell you, the list got long, fast.

  • Rent/Mortgage: This is probably the biggest one. I needed to find a place that was big enough, had outdoor space, and was in a location that made sense. Prices varied wildly depending on the area.
  • Renovations: Even if I found a decent space, I knew I'd need to make changes. Think: durable flooring (accidents happen!), fences for outdoor areas, maybe even building separate areas for small and large dogs.
  • Insurance: This is non-negotiable. I needed liability insurance, and probably some other types I hadn't even thought of yet. I got some quotes, and… ouch.
  • Supplies: Bowls, leashes, cleaning supplies (so much cleaning!), toys, beds… it adds up. I tried to think about what I'd need for a slow day, and then for a really busy day.
  • Staffing: I can't be there 24/7, and I definitely can't handle a pack of dogs on my own. So, I needed to factor in wages for employees. I even have to reaserch minimum wage and all that legal stuff.
  • Licenses and Permits: My city has rules about everything, and I'm sure running a doggy daycare is no exception. I needed to figure out what permits I needed, and how much they'd cost.
  • Marketing: Gotta get the word out! I figured I'd need a website, some flyers, maybe even some ads on social media.

The "Oh Wow, This Is Real" Moment

After adding everything up, I got a number. It was… bigger than I'd hoped. But, it was also a real number. It wasn't just a guess anymore. It's a project.

Now I plan to look into ways to maybe cut some costs. Maybe I could start smaller, or find a space that needs fewer renovations. Maybe I could barter some services to save on marketing. It's a work in progress, for sure.

I will keep my record updated, as my pratical working going on.