
Best Top Down Space Heater for Puppies: Cozy Picks!

Best Top Down Space Heater for Puppies: Cozy Picks!

Best Top Down Space Heater for Puppies: Cozy Picks!

Okay, so a couple weeks ago, the weather got real chilly, and I started worrying about my little chihuahua puppies. They're so tiny, and I didn't want them shivering all night. I looked around online for some heating solutions, but most of the stuff seemed like it was for bigger dogs or just wasn't quite right. Then I stumbled upon this idea of a top-down space heater.

Best Top Down Space Heater for Puppies: Cozy Picks!

The whole point was to create a warm little zone above the puppies, not directly on them, to avoid any risk of burns or overheating. It seemed perfect, so I decided to give it a shot.

Gathering My Supplies

First, I needed a heat source. I grabbed a ceramic heat emitter bulb – the kind you use for reptiles. It puts out heat but no light, so it wouldn't mess with their sleep. I already had a clamp lamp fixture that I use for my craft table. I also needed a wire cage so that my puppies would be safe.

Putting It Together

Assembling the Heater: It was super simple. I just screwed the ceramic bulb into the lamp fixture. Done.

  • Screwed the ceramic bulb in.
  • Checked to make sure it was secure.

Positioning: I placed the wire cage in a corner of the puppy pen, away from anything flammable like blankets or toys. Then, I clamped the lamp onto a stand I had, making sure it was pointing down into the cage, about 15inches above where the puppies would be sleeping.

I didn't want it too close, just creating a nice, warm area.

Testing and Monitoring

Before letting the puppies near it, I plugged it in and let it run for a bit. I used a regular thermometer to check the temperature inside the cage. I was aiming for a cozy, but not hot, temperature. After fiddling with the height of the lamp a few times, I got it just right.

  • Turned it on and let it heat up.
  • Used a thermometer to check the temp inside the cage.
  • Adjusted the lamp height to get the right temperature.

The Result!

The puppies loved it! They snuggled up under the warm zone, and I felt way better knowing they were comfortable and safe. I still kept an eye on them, of course, and made sure to check the temperature regularly, but it's been working great so far. It's a simple setup, but it made a big difference for my little guys.

So there you have it! That’s how I made a simple, top-down heater for my pups. Cheap, easy, and effective!

Best Top Down Space Heater for Puppies: Cozy Picks!