
Dogs Head Feeling Hot? Here Are Possible Causes Why is my dogs head hot

Dogs Head Feeling Hot? Here Are Possible Causes Why is my dogs head hot

Dogs Head Feeling Hot? Here Are Possible Causes Why is my dogs head hot

Okay, so the other day, I noticed my dog Buster's head felt really warm. Like, warmer than usual. Naturally, I started freaking out a bit. Is he sick? Does he have a fever? My mind went straight to worst-case scenarios.

Dogs Head Feeling Hot? Here Are Possible Causes Why is my dogs head hot

First thing I did? Grabbed the thermometer. Not the fun kind, the one that goes, well, you know. Getting a dog's temperature that way isn't exactly a walk in the park. Buster wasn't thrilled, let me tell you. After a bit of a wrestling match, I finally got a reading.

The Temperature Test

  • Step 1: Find a rectal thermometer. Yes, rectal.
  • Step 2: Lubricate it. Vaseline works. Trust me.
  • Step 3: Gently (and I mean gently) insert it. Not too far, just enough.
  • Step 4: Wait for the beep. This feels like forever.
  • Step 5: Remove and read. Then clean it, obviously.

His temperature was a little elevated, but not super high. Still, I was worried. So, I did what any responsible pet parent would do: I Googled it. "Why is my dog's head hot?" Big mistake. The internet is a scary place when you're looking up pet symptoms.

I found a bunch of stuff, ranging from "he's probably fine" to "OMG, take him to the vet immediately!" Some of the things mentioned as follow:

  • Maybe, He is Just Feel Hot.
  • Maybe, He got infections.
  • Or, Maybe He has a fever.

Cooling Him Down

After the somewhat alarming Google search, I decided to try some simple things to cool him down before rushing him to the vet.

  • Damp Towel:

    I got a small towel, wet it with cool (not cold) water, and gently wiped down his head, ears, and paws.

  • Fan Time:

    I put him in front of a fan. He seemed to enjoy the breeze.

  • Water, Water, Water: Made sure he had plenty of fresh, cool water to drink.

After about an hour of this, I felt his head again. It felt… cooler. Definitely less alarming. I took his temperature again, and it was back to normal. Huge sigh of relief!

Dogs Head Feeling Hot? Here Are Possible Causes Why is my dogs head hot

I'm still keeping a close eye on him, of course. But it seems like he might have just been overheated. Maybe he was playing too hard in the sun, or maybe the house was a little too warm. Whatever it was, he seems back to his usual goofy self now.

So, lesson learned: A hot head on a dog can be a sign of something serious, but it's not always a reason to panic. Start with the basics – check their temperature, try to cool them down – and if you're still worried, call the vet. Don't rely solely on Dr. Google!