
How much should I feed my Labrador puppy? Avoid overfeeding or underfeeding!

How much should I feed my Labrador puppy? Avoid overfeeding or underfeeding!

How much should I feed my Labrador puppy? Avoid overfeeding or underfeeding!

Okay, here's my blog post about figuring out how much to feed my Labrador puppy:

How much should I feed my Labrador puppy? Avoid overfeeding or underfeeding!

Alright, so I got this adorable Labrador puppy a few weeks back, and let me tell you, the biggest question on my mind (besides "when will he stop chewing EVERYTHING?") was "how much should I actually be feeding this little guy?" I didn't want to overfeed him and turn him into a roly-poly, but I definitely didn't want to starve him either!

Figuring out the Food

First things first, I checked the food bag. You know, the one the puppy food came in. It had a handy-dandy chart based on age and weight. Seemed simple enough, right? Wrong! My pup was growing SO fast, it felt like the chart was outdated every other day. He started to appear in a skinny shape.

The Vet Visit

So, I took him to the vet for a check-up, also asked about this confusion. The vet was super helpful. She showed me how to feel his ribs. Basically, I should be able to feel them, but they shouldn't be sticking out. Kinda like feeling the knuckles on the back of my hand. If they were too prominent, he needed more food. If I couldn't feel them at all, I was probably overdoing it. And she also gave me a suggestion about how much I should feed my puppy.

My Feeding Experiment

Armed with the vet's advice and the food bag guidelines, I started my own little experiment. Here's what I did:

  • Started with the recommended amount: I used the food bag chart as a starting point. It will divide the total amount of food into many meals.
  • Measured it out: I didn't just eyeball it. I used an actual measuring cup to make sure I was giving him the right amount.
  • Observed his… "output": Yep, I'm talking about poop. It's not glamorous, but it's a good indicator of whether he was digesting the food well. It should be firm, not runny.
  • Adjusted as needed: If he seemed hungry after meals, I'd add a tiny bit more. If he left food in the bowl, I'd reduce it slightly the next time. And every few days, I'd do the "rib check".
  • divided the meals into three times: Since he was a puppy, I fed him three times a day. It's better for their digestion than one or two big meals.

What I Learned

It took a little while, but I finally figured out a good feeding routine. The key was really paying attention to my puppy. He'll gave me clues!

Also I learned every puppy is different. What works for one might not work for another. I also keep my puppy hydrated.

It was all a bit of trial and error, and honestly, I'm still learning! But I feel much more confident now that I'm not accidentally turning my pup into a sausage or letting him go hungry.

How much should I feed my Labrador puppy? Avoid overfeeding or underfeeding!

Hope this helps any other new Labrador puppy owners out there! It's a journey, but a fun one (most of the time!).