
Dog Food Bag Invaded by Ants? Simple Solutions Here!

Dog Food Bag Invaded by Ants? Simple Solutions Here!

Dog Food Bag Invaded by Ants? Simple Solutions Here!

Okay, so this morning was a bit of a disaster. I noticed a trail of ants marching across my kitchen floor. Not just a few scouts, but a full-on ant army!

Dog Food Bag Invaded by Ants? Simple Solutions Here!

My first thought was, "Oh no, where are they going?" I followed the line, and my heart sank. They were heading straight for the dog food bag. Apparently, I hadn't sealed it properly after feeding my pup last night.

The Cleanup Begins

First, I moved the bag. I grabbed a big, sturdy plastic container with a tight-fitting lid – lesson learned! – and dumped the remaining food into it. Ants were scattering everywhere, it was totally gross.

  • I then vacuumed the entire area, making sure to get every single ant. And of course, I immediately emptied the vacuum outside.
  • Next, I mixed up some soapy water and wiped down the floor, the counters, and anywhere else I saw those little pests. I wanted to make sure to get rid of their scent trail, so they wouldn't come back.
  • I set some ant bait in a safe space, and hoped to never see them again.

It was a messy job, and definitely not how I wanted to start my day. But, the dog food is now safe and ant-free, and hopefully, the kitchen is too. I'm going to be extra careful about sealing that bag from now on!